Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Placement Testing and Beyond

I'm going to start out by saying this post has nothing to do with triathlon.....but this blog is about my life so I thought I'd share today's events.

I have decided to go back to school. I never got a 4 year degree nor have I worked since my oldest was born (almost 11 years ago). I plan to get a BA in nursing. To do that, I've got at least 4 years ahead of me. I haven't had a math class since 1992.

I went to the community college today to take the placement testing. I was a little nervous but decided that it's better to just go and get tested rather than try to "brush up" on my math skills that honestly weren't there to begin with.

I got into the testing room and learned quickly that you're supposed to talk in a "whisper"....for those of you who know me, and my son Hayden, we have some issues with volume control. So I decided unless I REALLY needed help, it was better to just keep my mouth closed.

I started with reading and writing and that was easy. No issues there. Maybe this math part won't be so hard! It could just all come pouring back to me. Always the optimist. Second question in.....why do they always throw that "x" in there? and then square it? Those parenthesis make everything so complicated. And what's [this]? So, some of the questions, I just went for the one that I had a good feeling about. Other's I was able to answer-not exactly confident it was the correct answer but what I came up with was one of the choices so that was good enough for me. Yes folks, this was a multiple choice test. All in all, I didn't feel terrible about the test. I mean, I haven't taken a math class in 16 years-what did I expect?

Once the I completed the assessment, I raised my hand. See? I catch on quick. The gal in charge came over after printing out my results. As she walked toward me, I thought she might say "honey, you may want to check with the highschool". She didn't, she just said, "now I'm going to have you watch a math video". I'm thinking "do they think the concept of math classes will be so difficult that I need to watch a video to explain?" I was so focused on the fact that I had to watch a math video for "special people" it didn't even occur to me how gross the headphones were....until after. ewe.

I started watching the 12 minute video and felt the giggles coming on. I'm sitting there, knowing that I completely bombed this math assessment and at the same time, finding great humor in the fact that I had to now watch a math video because of it! And then trying not to be obvious about looking around the room to see what other dumb-asses had headphones on. The video ended up just talking about the different math courses available and all the different possibilities for placement. A pamphlet would have been sufficient-even for me. The lowest a person could place would be math 090. From there, it went to math 91 and on up. The good news is, I didn't place in math 090. The bad news is, I placed in math 091. DOH!

All in all, I learned that I'm going to need a few "math refresher" courses. No big surprise.

Tomorrow's another day. Now I'm looking for a job. Anyone?


Sue said...

You are so funny...Peter my 14yr old is looking for a job...he is in his 4th yr of advanced math...if you need some tutor help...let us know :)

jessithompson said...

Hang in there P. Diddy... it'll be a long road, but you'll look back with no regrets! Laughing out loud at the thought of you with the headphones on. :)

Tiffany said...

Hysterical! Hey, at least you didn't place in math 090! That's cause for celebration!

Going back to school is a huge decision and can be very scary. I applaud you for doing this! You'll be so happy when it's all over!

Matt said...

congrats on the new journey! When I took my placement test I had not done math for over 10 yrs too. I started close to you in math 92, funny thing is alot ofthe people are from HS, says alot of WA... Good luck and remember you live close to a math teacher, Sorry Rog.. But all this is fresh in my mind if you need some help, Jessie can help..

Josh said...

I totally remember taking this placement test!! and yes I bombed it too.(fresh out of high school) I started in math 91. But If everything goes right, next quarter I will be in calculus. So there is light at the end of the tunnel. If you have any questions about which math teachers to take you should get a hold of me. I have had allot of them :). There are some great teachers, and some that you want to kill. said...

HA! I love this post. I hope you keep everyone updated on this adventure and I want to see a picture of you all geared up on your first day back to school.
It sounds like you're going to have a lot of support up there. Hang in there, it's totally do-able. Heck if Rog can get a degree, anyone can.
Love you,

Roger Thompson said...

Degrees are really easy to's earning them that makes it hard. If you know someone in the field you are interested in, and you have a little bottle of whiteout, you just got a degree in that field as well. Next year I will be a Vet.

Dr. R. Thompson

Haley Cooper-Scott said...

When are you just going to admit that you want my life? School, work, training and budgeting. . . It's a blast. I suppose I don't have 2 little men to look after as well. Soon you'll be beating me in the overscheduled department! I'm proud of you P.

Steve said...

Hey there. I am excited for you on your new adventure. I applaud you on taking the bike step and heading back to school. Pretty freakin awesome if you ask me. You are a true Superstahh.

I ain't to bad in math if ya ever need any help, but I beter worn you that me speling aint so well.

Keep up the hard work. Missin ya here in Florida

rr said...

You are awesome. And you're going to do so well in school! I was cracking up about being the girl who had to watch the vid.. phew, so glad you weren't the only one!

Andrea said...

Lurker will love nursing. LOVE it! I work with nurses all day and they are the most dedicated, smart, caring people I know.

I could not do it, but those who are called are dedicated to it.

Good luck.

M-Dot said...

Congrats on the first step. It's a tough road and late nightgs.
Job well all I can say is get a Cert. Nursing Assistant job take a class and be a nac. It preps you for the first year of Nursing school teaches you from the bottom up hahaha...
and if you get in with the right company they also pay tuition!
Knowing and understanding about your support staff is the beg. of a Great Nurse.


Kelli Rydeen and Family said...

Now what would have been really hysterical while watching your intriguing Math video, is if you would have been bobbin your head from side to side and bouncing in your seat and humming as if you were listening to the best song ever. I can picture you thinking about it.

So, does this mean that I will have to wait until hell freezes over before I get a cookbook out of ya?

Way to go out there head on.
