So, the day started with a friend showing up with bike and trainer in tow at 8:30. She got riding right away while I patiently set up my course on the compu-trainer. I've never claimed to be a technical wizard or lover of manuals and this fantastic training tool requires both. In all seriousness, this is a bitchen (my new word) training tool that I'm very grateful to have in my's just a matter of taking the time to learn how great it is and what it does. More on that later.
I got riding (mind you, she's been on for an hour already) and I was happy to see I left my "pacer" in the dust......maybe that was because I set the pacer's avg power @100 watts. oh. I won't expand on that.
After the ride we headed out to do stairs in an office building. Don't ask me why but I LOVE stairs. Maybe it's because of the way I feel when I'm done. Anyway, after riding on the trainer I was so hungry because I didn't have much of a breakfast. So, I scarfed down some cold leftover steak and rice from dinner last night. what?
So, the steak probably wasn't a great idea. Each time we got to the top I would say out loud "I'm gonna barf". Midway through the workout I would say "I gotta skip the next one". But each time, by the time we made it down to the bottom again, my nausea was gone and I was raring to go! So, we both made it through the whole workout without barfing or skipping a set. But boy were my legs shaking when we were done. That feels good. Off to the pool next.
So, this isn't a normal day for me to train in all three disciplines but oh well, can't miss stairs with Annie. Headed straight over to the pool taking down another Powerbar gel in the car. Got in the tub-o-chlorine at the gym (the levels have been unusually high lately) for a moderate swim. Right after I started my warm up a nice man came in and asked if he could share the lane with me........I said sure but in my head I've got these visions of me doing butterfly and either taking out a lane line or him. If you haven't been graced with my beautiful butterfly, I'll tell ya-it's not beautiful and it doesn't look like a butterfly-more like a drowning caterpillar. Thankfully, it wasn't butterfly time yet so I thought I'd do my warm up and see if one of the other lanes opened up. Right before my IM set, another lane opened up. FOOF! He graciously switched lanes and I busted out the moves :). NICE. It wasn't pretty but I'll give myself an "A" for effort.
From there I got the kids at school and now it's time to be a mommy.
Over and out.
Polar Plunge
9 years ago
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